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Copying PS2 saved games to PC

Written by aru on June 6, 2006 – 9:50 am

Each PS2 console, both old and slim, provides two USB ports. You can plug any regular USB drive and copy the content of the memory card. All you need now is a special software.

There are several kind of softwares that let you copy your saved games to an USB drive, and vice versa. One of them is Datel’s MaxDrive. Datel’s official site asserts that you can only use MaxDrive with their special USB drive that comes inside MaxDrive package. But the truth is, we can use any ordinary USB drive, provided they are formatted the right way.

— update 02 Nov 2006 —
Someone has said that not all USB drives can be used as a replacement. I can’t verify this and I must admit that I can’t verify the opposite either. But at least I’ve tried with two USB drives, of SanDisk and Kingston. Since naturally manufacturers strive for compatibiliy, I have no reason to believe that other brands are somehow significantly different than the ones I tried.
— end of update —

Datel’s MaxDrive

Actually, any regular USB drive will do just fine

Hewlett-Packard’s USB Format Tool

First, download HP’s USB Format Tool, here or here. Then, plug your USB drive to your PC.

Install HP’s USB Format Tool and run. You should see something like this:


Choose FAT (FAT 16) for the File System, Quick Format and click Start. Wait for a bit, and your USB drive is now ready to copy data from your PS2 memory card.

Warning! Warning!

Be very careful when you’re using MaxDrive. Apparently, there has been several complaints about MaxDrive causing bad blocks inside a memory card, rendering some space unusable. So just in case, pay attention to these:

1. Do not use MaxDrive to delete saved games inside your memory card. Instead, use the usual internal PS2 delete function.

2. Make sure that MaxDrive correctly display the available space of your USB drive. If not, try to exit to the main menu, unplug and plug the USB drive. You should see the USB drive’s access light is blinking. Wait until the blinking stop.

I won’t held renposible for any damage inflicted to your memory card or your PS2 console.


You have been warned.

Copy from memory card to USB drive

Now, plug the USB drive into one of the PS2 USB ports and put your MaxDrive CD into your PS2. Start the console and follow this step-by-step instruction:

1. At MaxDrive’s main menu, choose “My devices” menu.


2. Choose memory card as your primary device.


3. MaxDrive will list the content of your memory card. Pick any saved games that you want to copy to your USB drive, and choose “Copy to MaxDrive”.


4. Choose “Yes” and wait until MaxDrive finish the reading and writing process.


5. Done. Your PS2 saved games is now nicely stored inside your USB drive. You can store them inside your PC’s harddrive or you can upload them to the internet.

Copy from USB drive to memory card

OK. So now you want the reverse, to copy saved game files to your PS2 memory card. Follow this step-by-step instruction:

1. Find or download a saved game file. Most popular place will be For example, you can download the Soul Calibur III’s saved games here:

Copy the file to your USB drive.

2. Plug the USB drive back to your PS2 console, put MaxDrive CD inside, and start the console. At the MaxDrive’s main menu, choose “My devices”.


3. Choose USB drive as your primary device.


4. MaxDrive will list the saved games inside your USB drive. Pick any saved games that you want to copy to your memory card, and choose “Uncrush to MC1”. (MC1 means the first memory card slot).


5. Choose “Yes” to uncrush. Wait until the copy process finished.


6. Done. Now you’ve copied the saved game to your memory card. Start the game, and watch it for yourself. In my case, all of the Soul Calibur III’s hidden characters is now unlocked.

Soul Calibur III, all characters, costumes, weapons and movies unlocked.

That’s it. Now you don’t have to worry about losing your saved games. And also now you know the fastest and easiest way to unlock those hidden secrets inside your favourite game.

Have a nice day.

Posted in PS2, Tutorial | 127 Comments »

127 Comments to “Copying PS2 saved games to PC”

  1. darryl Says:

    could this be done without maxdrive software??

  2. admin Says:

    no. you *need* the maxdrive software to do all the above.

    of course, there are other softwares which can do the same job.

  3. Dude Says:

    Hey good info but it didn’t work for me. I did everything as instructed; I put the usb thing in the PC, downloaded and ran the application, chose FAT in File System and did a quick format but it didn’t work. The MAX Memory still won’t recognize it. Please help. :(

  4. admin Says:

    try these:
    1. go back to the main menu.
    2. unplug your usb drive and plug it back. the usb drive’s light indicator should be blinking by now.
    3. wait until it stop blinking.
    4. go back to the ‘choose primary device’ menu.

    hope this works.

  5. Dude Says:

    It didn’t work at first but then I swapped my usb for another kind with a friend (same usb memory space), and since he’s not a gamer it doesn’t affect him. Anyway it didn’t work normally but after I tried your method again it worked. Thanks!!! :-)

    btw I go to GameFAQs too my contributor name there is red soul so check out my upcoming saves!

  6. admin Says:

    you’re welcome. another satisfied customer :)

  7. Helpme123 Says:

    Please help me I don;t even really know what im doing. So far I have done this, found a game save on gamefaqs, downloaded it to drive (e)and now its in the blue thing, then I took the disk and the USB out and put into PS2, tried to transfer the data to my memory card, all was working but then it said you don’t have enough space so I deleted all my stuff off my memory card and tried again, and now the game save I downloaded dosent show up when I put it in PS2

  8. Dylan Says:

    Great guide! What is the name of the other alternative software that you mentioned?

  9. Anon Says:

    hey i got a question, is it safe to copy ALL of your memory card’s game saves onto the max drive at the same time? This wont risk corrupting the memory card will it?

  10. James Says:

    The link’s broken

  11. admin Says:

    Have you choose to “Uncrush” the saved game from USB to memory card?

    Yes, there are others with different formats, like ArMax and CodeBreaker.

    Copying from memory card to the USB drive, yes. But since I’m a paranoid, I suggest you do it one two at a time, for a starter.

    I myself have tried copying all my Romancing Saga III saves into USB drive, and it went just fine.

    It turned out we’re not allowed to link directly to a gamefaqs’s saved games.

    So, here’s the right link:

  12. Zero86 Says:

    I tryed your method it reads my USB but it says — Failed to copy XXXX Game Save —

    What should i do

  13. admin Says:


    Is the USB’s available space displayed correctly? If not, try the tips I gave to Dude:

    1. go back to the main menu.
    2. unplug your usb drive and plug it back. the usb drive’s light indicator should be blinking by now.
    3. wait until it stop blinking.
    4. go back to the ‘choose primary device’ menu.
    5. choose USB

    Now, is the USB’s available space displayed correctly?

  14. nana Says:

    when i tried to copy the save to my usb drive, it shows unknown error why is it so?

  15. admin Says:


    Hmm… I never had any problem with copying from MC to USB.

    Are you sure your USB drive still have sufficient available space ?

    If so, did you see the amount of available space displayed correctly by MaxDrive?

    If not displayed correctly, try the tips I gave to Dude and zero86.

  16. DAle Says:

    Where can i get the max drive software!!!!

  17. richard Says:

    I have 128 mg max drive that i just got and it has all of these presaved game cheats on it that I don’t want because there’s no space left on it. I did’nt say anywhere on the package that it was full of pre-saves. I would like to eliminate about half of the pre-saves…HOW ??? Do I accomplish this ??? Do I have to use the pc to do this??? couldn’t do it with the ps2…?

  18. admin Says:

    Since I am myself being paranoid, I never use PS2 to delete the content of the flash drive. I always use PC. Should be fine if you have Windows XP installed.

  19. stumpeded Says:

    instead of the max drive software can i use a program called launchELF

  20. Duder Says:

    I bought this stick as a primary save game outlet. Is this wise and/or viable? The Geek Squad at Best Buy thought it could be used instead of the typical PS2 memory cards. Is this true?

  21. Mr k' Says:


  22. ZAID Says:


  23. ZAID Says:


  24. Sony Of America Says:

    Please note:

    We have searched the internet and found this. And to tell you, this doesn’t work. Also this will
    void you warranty and we can check it its been using this software. Just get an adapter, cause the
    possibility of PS2 problems and errors are very likely. Since its third-party software, it will void you warranty. For more information, visit our page or call us. Thanks

  25. admin Says:

    @Sony of America

    I must note that while it works on my 256 MB Kingston DataTraveler and SanDisk USB drives, it does not work on my new 1 GB Kingston DataTraveler.

    Also I fail to notice on how using MaxDrive will leave any imprints in my PS2 machine which will void me of its warranty. AFAIK, warranty void involves removing the cover or changing / modifying the inside components, and not running a third party software CD.

  26. Aku Says:

    I’ve asked this back from another website, but it was for Codebreaker 9.0:

    Does this save-copying method work with a PS2 Slim SCPH-7500x series? I have SCPH-75004 PS2Slim and Codebreaker’s USB feature didn’t work for me [everytime i plug the USB stick Codebreaker slows down bigtime and not detecting my USB device, it works great with my friends’ old bigbox PS2 though], so i was wondering if Sony really did block the USB feature and the USB slots’ only “exclusive” for Sony’s products like EyeToy, or that dretched Microphone [now their USB slot’s not even “Universal” anymore].

    Hoping for your quick reply. Thanks. ^^,

  27. maxdrive Says:

    um.. how do you copy patches from a computer to a ps2? i have a maxdrive, so i just need to know how to use it for a game called Winning Eleven Pro evolution Soccer 2007 or Pes6

  28. we2007 Says:

    um.. I just wanted to know how to copy a PES6 patch from my pc to my ps2.

  29. joe Says:


  30. maaz Says:

    sanks for programming

  31. Aydin Schoff Says:

    This one makes sence “One’s first step in wisdom is to kuesstion everything – and one’s last is to come to terms with everything.”

  32. Blou_Fas Says:

    Be sure to heed the warning to not let the Datel software delete from your memory card. I “MOVED” 4 game saves as a test, not caring if they became corrupted as they were from rentals and no longer needed anyway. At completion, I was left with only the 4 files on the memory stick and the directory of my Sony memory card wiped out – 549 Kb free (a total of the 4 cleared files + original free space) but no data readable by either the software or the PS2 OS. Datel’s site claims that some cards have a fault that causes them to get wiped. I never had a problem with 2 Sony PS2s and don’t see how anyone could know their card was an unlucky one. Thanks all who have posted their gamesaves at GameFAQs to help me reclaim my progress and unlocked completions in some very dedicated RPGs and action-platformers

  33. Ted Says:


    i found the MaxDrive software on a website , i thought about burning it to a dvd (im not willing to spend money for ps2 agan) . Does my ps2 need to be chipped to play it ?

  34. Taha Says:

    Hey cud ny1 tell me frm where m i supposed to download the max drive software n how to use it in my Ps2…should i copy the software on a dvd or normal pc cd ???

  35. alex Says:

    hey i need help here plz any one help …………….. if i save a game file on the usb kingston and attach it on the ps2 will the save game work . how to use usb in ps2
    plz plz any one help…..

  36. Julien Says:

    Coould somebody give me the link to the PS 2 MaxDrive software for the PS2

  37. Sky88 Says:

    Hi ,

    I have burn the software armax, mc killer to cd already, but the ps 2 wont detect the cd, cause my ps 2 memory card corrupt due to can’t delete any file from the card.
    Because i want to copy all my save file in to pend drive, if i direct connect the router to ps 2 & pc , then is it the file from ps2 can copy to pc already, or any other method to do without use like mod chip, ar max drive…Just no enough clear

    Pls help.


  38. Chris Says:

    cheers pal that is incredible, must warn though… it took me a few goes with a number of different usb’s

    vertabin is a sure for working! however actiontec, sony dont work!

    thanks again!!!

  39. DZ Says:

    Sony Of America?? Yeah right! If SoA were posting here I think their grammar and spelling might be a bit more up to par. Get a life!
    My nephew bought this gear and he uses it all fine with no adult help. No, he’s no geek! He’s 12!

  40. Rhy Says:

    Now the link’s broken….

  41. |Ace| Says:

    Hi there, I’ve read all of your instructions and I really don’t understand… do you need the software for the max drive, I’m just not to sure of what you have to do!

  42. anthony Says:

    how do you do it without using ar max

  43. gangster Says:

    ok so i did every thing as u told i formatted theUSB using that thing u told to download.then i put the flash memory into the PS2 uncrushed all the files to the memory card usin AR MAX but when i start the game the savegame does’nt appear what should i do (i used it on resident evil 4)

  44. Danku Says:

    Well, I can only save and restore my save file. I can’t restore someone’s save file (that I got from Gamefaqs). Is there any way to fix it?

  45. Wolfgeorge Says:

    My ps2 doesn’t recognise the contents of the usb…. and i can’t save my saves to usb. PLS SOMEONE HELP…. I ‘M DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!

  46. zerabkther Says:

    Hay Man thanx for all the info you provide…….. but still
    how am i gonna able to copy past my data to my playstation 2,
    i don’t have MaxDrive CD for my PlayStation 2 can you give me any link so that i can download MaxDrive CD data and burn it to use it in my PlayStation 2 Hmmmmmmmmm????
    and the link you have given in your instructions for the USB formatting is not working, its giving some error, can you plz give me a valid link to download formatting tool plz…
    i understand all you explained but i don’t have MaxDrive CD and formatting tool for USB Devies i am totally helpless…….

  47. zerabkther Says:

    Hay Man thanx for all the info you provide…….. but still
    how am i gonna able to copy past my data to my playstation 2,
    i don’t have MaxDrive CD for my PlayStation 2 can you give me any link so that i can download MaxDrive CD data and burn it to use it in my PlayStation 2 Hmmmmmmmmm????
    and the link you have given in your instructions for the USB formatting is not working, its giving some error, and i am unable to find it any were can you plz give me a valid link to download formatting tool plz…
    i understand all you explained but i don’t have MaxDrive CD and formatting tool for USB Devies i am totally helpless…….

  48. luke Says:

    hey dont know if you anserw any ones questions any more buy i have one i got action reply max and i want to download code majic to my memery card and yea i have already down loaded it on the the flash drive but when i put it in and go to the flash drive pichere and clicked it not one file shows up but my memery up top shows that i am useing memery i would like a little help pleasese email me at thanks bro

  49. george Says:

    Where can I download the max drive software without buying it?

  50. Nicolas Nishiky Says:

    hello!!! mira el link not fuciona

  51. SachielOne Says:

    The MaxDrive software is part of the Action Replay Max package. You’ll probably need to actually purchase it in order to get it. The PS2 has some kind of encryption on it’s game discs that Datel somehow got around, so simply burning the software to a disc is unlikely to work.

  52. Nate Says:

    My ps2 will not detect my usb drive

  53. Abcde Says:

    I can’t find the format tool :’’. There’s a 12 and 20, but no 20

  54. Abcde Says:

    not 20 13

  55. Joe Caliber Says:

    i’ve downloaded saved games from the internet to my flash memory or USB pendrive, which is practically the same. when i attached it to my ps2 and use ARmax to transfer it to my memory card nothing is showing in my screen. Ii also managed to erase all my saved games :(. One thing though, i was able to use its cheats but it erased my resident evil 4 completed game, this sucks

  56. mateo Says:

    i used a pes2008 option file and i went to the maxdrive and hit uncrush.. then i went to the memory slot thing checked it and hit start, but i didnt work.. what am i doin wrong?

  57. mateo Says:

    help.. i hit square.. which i think is format and everything was erased

  58. thebestdudeishere Says:

    will this work??

  59. siddharthahluwalia Says:

    download ARMAX from here

  60. how to copy ps2 game saves on the ps3 with flash Says:

    […] to a ps2? i have a maxdrive, so i just need to know how to use it for a game called Winning … naked boysPictures of very short hairstyles cheap flights phx fort meyers running mower […]

  61. james Says:

    I can copy games to the memory stick fine, but when I put gamesaves onto the stick, the max drive software just doesn’t see them on the stick, so I can’t move them to my memory card.

    I’ve got the exact same stick as the one in the picture (Kingston Data Traveller)

  62. james Says:

    ah ha, solved it! put the memory stick back in, and restart the ps2. I’m using it with Action Replay Max, and if you put the stick in when the ps2 is on it refuses to read it unless you restart the console.

    Many thanks!

  63. AllNoobOwns Says:

    hey bro..can u help me i dont know what im doing please i have usb in my ps2 but it wont boot i need help please chat with me in ym this is my e-mail:allengabriel_holandez@yc

    pls help me thanks..

  64. paul Says:

    we all mine is down movie

  65. nomal Says:

    fat me all

  66. ldvk07 Says:

    WOrks Perfectly thank you so much… at first it didnt.. you have to reboot the ps2 and i use action replay max evo..

  67. connor Says:

    I have a maxell maxstix flash drive 2.0 1gb
    and ive done eveything, pluged it in, pluged it out and it still doesnt work! what should i do???
    p.s i have turned it in to a FAT option.

  68. Mike Says:

    How do I set up my UB drive if I have a PNY USB FD PMAP (490 MB)(E:\) with that program?

  69. kai Says:

    thnx dude…it work for me…

  70. BenFuf Says:

    I have a problem!:( I downloaded AR MAX, burnt it and it works fine i’m kinda happy that I have a cheating program like this.But I tried to download a save file and I did everything just like you instructed but when I plug in my Kingston usb device the PS2 won’t recognise the files on the device. Could someone help me?I’ll keep trying and tell you if it worked.Thanks in advance.

  71. PhaserBait Says:

    I saved all game saves from a memory card to the USB drive. Then a few months later I did it again without deleting the original saves. Now I have two copies of each game save with no way to tell them apart. I want to restore the most recent version of each to the card. Any idea what the random numbers in front on the .max files are? Could they help me? It looks like my only other option is to restore each game file and test it to find the correct version.

  72. Samanosuke Says:

    i cant get this to work, tried everything. using a 4gb usb drive. It does detect the usb drive when i use action replay, but there is nothing seen on the content of the drive.

  73. bk_22 Says:

    can i have a software called max drive???

  74. BenFuf Says:

    Max drive isn’t a software, it’s a USB flashdrive for Action Replay Max from Datel. You can buy one or you can use another flashdrive but I can’t prove this since mine isn’t working for some reason. My problem is exactly what Samanoske’s is but I tried many different methods and flashdrives but it’s still not working.

  75. Richard Says:

    Okay here’s a doozy for you.

    I have an AR Max drive, and I am able to transfer games from my USB to my memory card, but not the other way around. I’ve tried two different USBs (the provided USB and my own 1GB), three different memory cards, and TWO AR max cds. It will not let me transfer from the memory card to the USB. I’m at my wits end, so any help will be very useful.

  76. mhigz Says:

    i have downloaded a maxdrive software… i don’t know if it is the right one… it says something like this…



    are these the files needed to make a cd???
    help me please…
    don’t know what to do…

  77. Rishi Says:

    excuse me…but i understood everything perfectly..except for the fact frmo where do i get the Maxdrive Cd??

  78. assassins Says:

    so do you plug the USB in the ps2 1st im confused

  79. jishnu Says:

    i have 1 gb usb but it canot be read by the ps2 please help

  80. asa Says:

    wowowowo….. why cant the ps2 read my mp3

    ….beause it is suported or not?

    wait for your reply

  81. phil Says:

    well i cant understand where to buy this “max drive”.

  82. Makenchi Says:

    now I just need to find a place to buy Max, got any ideas? btw a note to add, the Slim PC2000+ series PS2 usb ports are universal, I have a usb keyboard that doesn’t need an install program and it works just fine on my ps2, so does my microsoft scroll mouse, so don’t worry about any problems with those usb ports being anti universal.

  83. Remon Says:

    heyy … i can’t find the saved game in my pc ,, so can anyone please tell me where can i find the alone in the dark 5 saved game on my pc … thnx

  84. Miguel Says:

    My PS2 does not detect all of my flash drives, how can I solve the problem?

  85. gal922 Says:

    when i insert the usb to the ps2
    its show me that dont have files in the usb
    the light in the usb is on
    why its dont recognize?
    *sorry if i have write mistakes i have a little bit english :)

  86. jhon paul Says:

    i lost my maxdrive cd!!!! if someone knows how to get another one or how to download another one please send me how. my mail is pleaseeeee

  87. rolando Says:

    umm yeah i got a question do you have to copy the max file stuff to a blank cidy and then put it in your ps2, and then run it? help please

  88. meo_u Says:

    You can use uLaunchELF to copy your savegame from USB stick to your memcard. It’s free and easy to use, just Google it. To create bootable uLaunchELF, you can use CDGen 3.0 to make bin file and use ImgBurn to burn it (require mod chip to boot burned disc). You can boot uLaunchELF directly from your memcard (google it again) and for the savegames you can use PS2 Save Builder to convert to various formats (use Extract for uLaunchELF).

  89. joe Says:

    can i do it the other way around ( pc to memory card)

  90. iori Says:

    Do I need to create a folder on the USB for each game?

  91. ndaru Says:


    Yes, you can. From PC to USB drive, and then from USB drive to memory card (via MaxDrive).

  92. TuppuP Says:

    The PS2 copy protection is actually extremely simple: it’ll only check if disk is pressed (mass made) or burned (home made). Action Replay works because it is pressed.

  93. nate Says:

    i can copy my saved games in my memory card to usb just fine.
    then i downloaded a saved game from and i put it in my usb. then i plugged my usb to my ps2 console and when i picked usb as my primary device,it’s empty. so i checked it with my computer , there is a saved game ..
    what should i do..
    how to change the downloaded version to .max ?

  94. ndaru Says:


    Try to unplug the USB drive from the console and then plug it back. You should see the USB drive’s access light is blinking. Check the primary device again.

    There are tools available to convert your saved games to .max format.

  95. mon san Says:

    whare do you guys get that max drive??

  96. redninja Says:

    what should i do without maxdrive cd i have done all the steps for a normal usb but it did not work

  97. moksh Says:

    i dont have max drive, i tried to do it without that, but i could not, can you tell in steps how to put downloaded re4 save game data on ps2? plz …..

  98. moksh Says:

    i dont have max drive, i tried to do it without that, but i could not, can you tell in steps how to put downloaded re4 save game data on ps2? plz ……

  99. Jinx Says:

    After struggling for an hour I managed to get it worked.
    But unfortunately you can’t transfer other files, like .ELF files to the memorycard. Does anyone know how to install Free MC boot to a memorycard ??

  100. fahad Says:

    maybe it would be nice to list all compatible usb drives 😀

  101. jeff Says:

    plss hep me to transfer it so hard

  102. ds Says:

    i cannot format my usb

    it occur volume too big error

    please help :(

  103. 1 that needs help Says:

    where can get that max drive thing?????????

  104. Yol Says:

    Why after i Uncrush it,and i open the memory card and it say >> your memory card did not format,format now <<<
    and i press yes,and i try to do it again,it still like that…Why??? please teach me…

  105. Izzy Says:

    I have USB With 4 GB, and I can only format it with FAT 32.MAX DRIVE doesn’t recognize it.MAX Drive say, no files found, and also says 0kb free, but on USB is only 2 saves!?Please help.

  106. Izzy Says:

    Please help.MAX Drive doesn’t USB 4GB.I can only format USB with FAT32.

  107. Richard Quadling Says:


    What is currently available to make backups of PS2 games to a USB stick.

    I’ve looked around for the MaxDrive s/w, but most people say there are bugs in it.



  108. Tabby Says:

    Works wonderful! Thanks for your nice work!,lucy

  109. Wolfgang Says:

    I have download the Armax system, but i don’t know that i have to burn it in a dvd disk or what?
    please help me..

  110. J. R. Says:

    If u were just to copy ps2 game data to ps3 using this method would it work because of the new copy protection on ps3s now I can’t move my statwars battlefront 2 data to my new ps3 plus I’ve completed like 99% on ps2. Btw battlefront2 is the best statwars game made so far

  111. sanxsait Says:

    copy psp games are great, so is your post.

  112. Positive17 Says:

    Hi guys,I seriously need help.I used Max Drive and copied saved games into my Memory card from the USB,everything went well.I got my saves from gamefaqs and it was in .max formats.The problem is that when I load the game,the saved games I copied don’t show up.What’s going on?

  113. supermario Says:

    dont have max drive, i tried to do it without that, but i could not, can you tell in steps how to put downloaded re4 save game data on ps2? pl

  114. erros xbox 360 Says:

    Thank you for information! I will try it!

  115. ousman Says:

    thank you

  116. w2n Says:

    your very welcome my friend

  117. Answer Says:

    Easier way

  118. fzl Says:

    guys here is what i can say you can use many softwares to change the extensions of the ps2 save games to .max format like ps2 save builder and be careful of save games from the internet because they depend on regions if you try to use an ntsc game save on a pal version of the game it won’t recognize it and vice versa because they are from different regions oh as for fat16 formatting it seems like only flashes which are less than 1gb can be formatted with fat16 and 16k cluster size.

  119. Gran Says:

    This works!

    I just formatted a generic USB flash drive using the HP USB Format Tool (NO, the Windows format tool WILL NOT WORK), just popped in my old Action Replay Disc, go to My Devices and transferred everything successfully.

    It was not smooth though. I have to unplug/ replug my generic USB flash drive to “refresh” and have Action Replay copy/ move the files to it.

    Unfortunately, there’s no overwrite option so you may have duplicate copies.

  120. Gran Says:

    Not to mention I had to restart my PS2 a few times since I experience errors after copying 3-5 game saves. It’s a hassle but its better than losing my gamesaves or buying a new memory card.

  121. Gran Says:

    Argh another thing… DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING while AR MAX is reading the contents of the card. It will cause the system to freeze and WILL corrupt your memory card. Just lost years worth of saved games on my 1st card.

    I had to format the 1st MC to regain its functionality then copied everything from my 2nd MC before finally moving them to the USB.

    Hope this helps…

  122. potho Says:

    eh soh seguir os passos bem direitinho que dah certo

  123. danny Says:

    where can i find the max drive software!?help somebody…please

  124. tmacdee Says:

    Tried this formatting out…. Doesnt work… Says this USB disk is WRITE-PROOF?? HELP! Tried two other flash drives also…

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  127. Dustin Says:

    Hi, I’ve got the Action Replay MAX (Not Evo) for PS2. I’ve formatted the usb drive to FAT and I’ve downloaded the game save I want from gamefaqs in .max file extension. I start my AR MAX in my PS2 but it won’t read my usb…Help?

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